Review Article

Biliary tree stem/progenitor cells and perspectives in physiopathology and regenerative medicine

Vincenzo Cardinale, Guido Carpino, Yunfang Wang, Raffaele Gentile, Rossella Semeraro, Cristina Napoli, Vincenzo Pasqualino, Alice Fraveto, Alessia Torrice, Lola Reid, Eugenio Gaudio, Domenico Alvaro


We have recently demonstrated the presence of cells expressing a constellation of endodermal markers in (peri)-biliary glands of extrahepatic bile ducts. These observations in situ in human tissues have been achieved by the in vitro demonstration that a subpopulation of cells [Pdx1+ (pancreatic and duodenal homeobox 1+)⁄Sox17+⁄EpCAM+ (epithelial cell adhesion molecule+)] isolated from the biliary epithelium have long-term (in vitro) persistence and self-renewal, and are able to give rise to a more restricted progeny towards different mature lineages (hepatocytes, cholangiocytes and β-pancreatic cells). The discovery of these cells, named human biliary tree stem/progenitor cells, opens a new scenario impacting many different aspects of hepato-gastroenterology including embryology of liver, biliary epithelium and pancreas, biliary pathophysiology, hep