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Optimal lymphadenectomy for gastric cancer: is there a magic number?

	author = {Thomas W. Rice and Eugene H. Blackstone},
	title = {Optimal lymphadenectomy for gastric cancer: is there a magic number?},
	journal = {Translational Gastrointestinal Cancer},
	volume = {0},
	number = {0},
	year = {2013},
	keywords = {},
	abstract = {Xu and colleagues propose the ambitious tasks of evaluating in gastric cancer patients “the long-term effect of number of examined lymph nodes on the prognosis of patients,” and exploring “the optimal number of lymph nodes for accurate staging in patients with node-negative gastric cancer after D2 dissection” (1). These two distinctly different goals require very dissimilar analytic strategies. To our surprise, they report one number, not two: 16. The question persists—“Is there a magic number of resected lymph nodes that ensures an optimal lymphadenectomy for gastric cancer?”},
	url = {}