TY - JOUR AU - Qvortrup, Camilla AU - Pfeiffer, Per PY - 2014 TI - Oral tyrosine kinase inhibitors targeting VEGF-receptors in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer JF - Translational Gastrointestinal Cancer; Vol 4, No 2 (March 24, 2015): Translational Gastrointestinal Cancer Y2 - 2014 KW - N2 - Our understanding of cancer genomics and proteomics associated with normal and malignant cell growth and angiogenesis has increased exponentially in recent years and has resulted in the identification of several critical molecular events that are fundamentally involved in carcinogenesis and tumor progression. Targeting these key ligands, receptors and molecular pathways offers survival benefit in several cancers such as breast cancer, colon cancer and lung cancer. UR - https://tgc.amegroups.com/article/view/4934