The Official Publication of:
• Society for Translational Cancer Research (STCR)
• Chinese Society of Gastric Cancer (CSGC)
Here, TGC call for papers of “Video-atlas of Gastrointestinal Surgery” for the new section “Masters of Gastrointestinal Surgery”.
"Masters of Gastrointestinal Surgery" is a featured section that publishes narrated videos provided by renowned surgeons. This section is designed to be presented as a detailed "how to" multimedia manual for operative procedures. The submitted videos of each article must have a maximal limit of one hour in duration and it must be accompanied by descriptive text. The text should include three subheadings – Introduction, Operative Techniques and Comments. The main section on Operative Techniques should include detailed descriptions of the procedures in a step-by-step format. Expert opinions regarding possible pitfalls and the comparison of the described procedure with other methods are encouraged. The corresponding author must confirm in the Copyright Transfer Agreement, that he/she has received a signed release form from each patient recorded on the submitted video. Ideally, patients should not be identifiable in these videos. If required, additional video editing by the authors, including the insertion of a voice-over may also be requested.
Videos can be submitted with a manuscript online, you can submit your files directly to the TGC editorial office in one simple step. For fast uploads please attach your file(s) as compressed .zip or .sit files. Once upload has been initiated, do not close the window until you have received on screen confirmation that your upload has been successful. Please note that the maximum size of each file has a limit of 2GB. If your file(s) for submission are greater than this limit, please divide the file into multiple segments, with the file names labelled in the correct order.
TGC will accept digital files in mp4, flash video (.flv), MPEG (MPEG video file), DVD video format, mov, avi, and wmv formats or videos on CD/DVD. We recommend using H.264/mp4 for the video codec and AAC for the audio codec. Contributors are asked to be succinct, and the Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to require shorter video duration. Legends for the video segments should be placed at the end of the article. The video should be of high quality (resolutions: 480p: 854x480; 360p: 640x360; 240p: 426x240). The video should demonstrate the descriptions in the text of the manuscript.
The previously published article:
Masters of Gastrointestinal Surgery
Laparoscopic radical gastrectomy for gastric cancer
Xuefei Yang, Jie Chen, Ligang Xia, Kai Pan
Translational Gastrointestinal Cancer 2012; 1(2): 189-201
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