AB22. A Study on lymph node metastases in gastric cancer and its significance in surgical treatment

AB22. A Study on lymph node metastases in gastric cancer and its significance in surgical treatment

Chao-Hui Zuo1, Xiao-Xin Qiu1, Jin-Guan Lin1, Hua Xiao1, Jun-Jun Li1, Zhen-Yang Liu1, Xian-Li Yin1, Nong Yang1, Zai-Jie Huang1, Shi-Chu Tang1, Xiao-Ping Yu1, Hong Zheng1, Hui Liang1, Hai-Zhen Zhu2

1Department of Gastroduodenal and Pancreatic Surgery, Hunan Province Tumor Hospital/Affiliated Tumor Hospital of Xiangya College, Central South University, Changsha 410013, China;2Liver Cancer Translational Medicine Center of Hunan University and Hunan Province Tumor Hospital, Changsha 410082, China

Objective: To evaluate the status of lymph node metastasis in gastric cancer and its clinical significance.

Methods: 920 patients with gastric cancer admitted radical surgical resection from March, 2013 to March 2013 were analyzed retrospectively, and the relationship between lymph node metastasis and TNM classification, tumor sizes, tumor location, surgical methods and Borrmann analysis, was studied.

Results: Lymph node metastasis was observed in 640 of 920 cases (69.57%). 21,436 lymph nodes were found, which is 23.3 lymph node metastasis per patient. Lymph node metastasis of TNM classification was 100% in stage IIIC and stage IV. Lymph node metastasis rates was higher in tumor >7 cm, Lymph node metastasis frequency was found in groups No.1 (34.21%), No.3 (29.87%), No.2 (23.42%), and No.7 (20.36%) at upper third stomach cancer; in groups No.3 (33.75%), No.4 (26.17%), and No.4d (19.59%), No.4Sb (21.58%), No.4Sa (9.56%), No.7 (21.63%), and No.1 (18.13%) at middle third stomach cancer; in groups No.6 (34.27%), No.3 (32.23%), No.4 (26.36%), and No.4d (30.54%), No.4Sb (24.58%), No.4Sa (0.86%), and No.7 (22.25%) at lower third stomach cancer. Early gastric cancer lymph node metastasis was observed in 18 of 84 cases (21.43%). Lymph node metastasis rate of D3 was higher than that of D1 and D2, and Borrmann type IV was higher than other Borrmann types.

Conclusions: Distribution of metastatic lymph node is clearly related to the location of the tumor and gastric malignancy. The results of our study provide evidence for the need to perform a gastrectomy with at least D2 lymphadenectomy (include D3 lymphadenectomy) in advanced gastric cancer.

Keywords: Gastric cancer; metastatic lymph node; surgical resection; gastrectomy; lymphadenectomy

Cite this abstract as: Zuo CH, Qiu XX, Lin JG, Xiao H, Li JJ, Liu ZY, Yin XL, Yang N, Huang ZJ, Tang SC, Yu XP, Zheng H, Liang H, Zhu HZ. A Study on lymph node metastases in gastric cancer and its significance in surgical treatment. Transl Gastrointest Cancer 2013;2(S1):AB22. doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2224-4778.2013.s022