AB85. The pattern and predictors of recurrence of advanced gastric cancer after curative total gastrectomy

AB85. The pattern and predictors of recurrence of advanced gastric cancer after curative total gastrectomy

Xuguang Jiao, Jingyu Deng, Rupeng Zhang, Li Wang, Honggen Liu, Han Liang

Department of Gastrointestinal Oncology, Key Lab of Cancer Treatment and Prevention Tianjin Cancer Hospital, Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin, China

Objective: This study aimed to investigate the recurrence pattern of advanced gastric cancer (AGC) after curative total gastrectomy and further explore predictors for each pattern of recurrence.

Methods: Data of 299 AGC patients between 2003 and 2007 were retrospectively analyzed to investigate the clinicopathologic factors affecting the recurrence pattern of AGC patients underwent curative total gastrectomy.

Results: Sixty-eight AGC patients had recurrence after curative total gastrectomy. Distant metastasis was the most prevalent pattern with 29 (42.6%) cases, followed by peritoneal recurrence with 25 (36.8%) patients, and locoregional recurrence occurred in 23 (33.8%) patients. The recurrence rates within 2 and 5 years were 77.9% and 97.1%, respectively. Extent of lymphadenectomy, depth of tumor invasion, lymph node metastasis, and number of negative lymph nodes were associated with tumor recurrence by univariate analysis. Multivariate analyses revealed that the extent of lymphadenectomy and T4b status were independent predictors for locoregional recurrence; histological type and T4b status for peritoneal recurrence; and pN status for distant metastasis.

Conclusions: In AGC patients following total gastrectomy, recurrent predictors various among locoregional, peritoneal and distant recurrence. Recurrent predictors of tumor invasion, lymph node metastasis, and histological type could guide follow-up and risk-oriented adjuvant treatment, extended lymphadenectomy was considered to reduce locoregional recurrence of AGC patients after curative total gastrectomy.

Keywords: Gastric cancer; total gastrectomy; recurrence; predictors

Cite this abstract as: Jiao XG, Deng JY, Zhang RP, Wang L, Liu HG, Liang H. The pattern and predictors of recurrence of advanced gastric cancer after curative total gastrectomy. Transl Gastrointest Cancer 2013;2(S1):AB85. doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2224-4778.2013.s085