29. The methods and principles assistant should master during laparoscopy-assisted radical gastrectomy
Original Article

29. The methods and principles assistant should master during laparoscopy-assisted radical gastrectomy

Ying-Xue Hao, Pei-Wu Yu, Feng Qian, Yong-Liang Zhao, Yan Shi, Bo Tang, Fan Zhang

Center of general surgery (PLA), Southwest Hospital, Third Military Medical University, 400038, China

Objective: Study the methods and principles which the assistant should master in the operation of laparoscopy-assisted radical gastrectomy (LARG).
Methods: Choose 143 gastric cancer patients in Southwest Hospital, Third Military Medical University. The same operation group performed 87 laparoscopy-assisted radical distal gastrectomy (LARDG), 12 laparoscopy-assisted radical proximal gastrectomy (LARPG) and 41 laparoscopy-assisted radical total gastrectomy (LARTG). Analysed the operation process, reasons of converting open operation and reasons of complications during operation. Proposed the problems which the assistant should pay attention during operation.
Results: 140 patients were successfully performed LARG, 3 patients were converted to open. The complications during operation were bleeding [10], which was the most one, and mistake damage.
Conclusions: The role of assistant is very important during LARG, should master some methods and principles to help operator.

Key words

Operation; laparoscopy; gastric cancer; assistant

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2224-4778.2012.s029